Saturday, October 15, 2011

the VirtueReality website

Not to sound excited but ... WE HAVE A WEBSITE! achem...

Anyhow that is the plain truth, we at VirtueReality thought that it was high time we invested in a bit more of an online footprint and have just set up our website. Now it is still under construction so don't get your hopes up too fast but hopefully in the not too distant future we will have a fully functional website up.

For all the people who follow this blog, DON'T WORRY, because we are still going to be maintaining it for a long long long time coming and have no intentions of ever closing it. You would be able to access the blog from the website and the other way around too.


The VirtueReality Team

Just in case you thought we forgot to put up the websites address .... well ... we did! Here you go:
VirtueRealityGroup Website

Monday, October 3, 2011

What You Have

Sometimes we get caught up in all the things we don't have; money, time, skills. We are so quick to point out the things we think we should have. But today the question floating around in my head was; 

"What do you do with what you have?"

I mean, do we really make use of everything we have and completely exhaust all possibilities before winging and complaining? For instance i now and then drop a barb about how in Accra our skies are so dull compared to other places in Ghana and other countries like South Africa. But then again, did i take the time to look for the beauty in the sky right above my head before looking for the sky above someone else? Nope, well until yesterday really. So today i decided to wait a bit for the sun to come down and walked right out my back gate and set up for a picture or two and this is what i came up with ... feel free to look up for a second, okay that's enough.

It got me thinking and my mind returned to the parable of the talents (yeah that boring old one that we have all heard) but the principle is the same. Mathew 4:25 says; 

"Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him"

This is echoed in Matt 13:12, 25:29 and in other places as well. It kind of got me thinking, if it was twisted a bit to say "if you make use of what you have, more will be given to you, and if you have something and allow it to be 'small' by neglecting and leaving it alone, even that small thing you have will be collected".

Ah well I'm just talking plenty trying to say that we should not forget the things we have and make the most of all the opportunities that we get, and then we might be surprised at what we will get our hands on. Bible don't Lie!

Monday, September 19, 2011

VirtueReality goes MOTION!

Hi guys, in the spirit of progression VirtueReality is now beginning to progress into the realm of video. Soon (i hope in less than a thousand years) we will be releasing video packages for events, clips, weddings and all sorts of stuff. Currently we are expanding our skill sets so as we progress we will be posting our videos to our blog, this is just a teaser, i hope you like it. And even if you don't, no biggie. Ciao.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Balancing the Light

Just the other day was browsing the best lighting site in the world STROBIST and they showed me some really interesting technique for balancing light between the sky and a person (or object).

So i decided to borrow some familiar faces (what is family for) and used them as "ghana"-pigs and this is what i came up with.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Smaller Images to Upload for Facebookers

Hi guys,

There are some of us who take pictures at the highest size setting on their cameras at all times just because they can. Like me. So if i happen to be holding a 12 megapixel camera, all my images will be ... you guessed it, 12 megapixels. so when i feel like posting my larger than my screen images i run into a dilemma.

I use an Expresso bundle and I am on their 1 gigabyte plan (its cheap GHS 15, who can blame me?). Now why would I want to put up these fat images on Facebook and get all my data chewed up so that a few people can click "like"? No way! (and this is not because i am cheap).

For anyone else who has this problem there is the smallest software in the world you can download to solve all your problems and its what I use to upload ALL my images, yup ALL of them. its called "PhotoResizer" and you can download it from this site:

Its small and all you have to do is change the number at the end to give you a bigger or smaller image. i think the default is 400 but if your raise it to 1600 your images will still be small in size but look good. Then you select all the pictures you want to SMALLIFY and drag and drop them on the icon of the program. Thats it.

All the new compressed images will be in the same folder as the originals so after you upload them you can just delete them. So its just something cool and it could save your bandwidth a little.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Facebook Page now UP^

Hi guys,

Our Facebook page is alive and kicking and whilst our blog has over 2000 views our page has about 9, this is a vast improvement over last week when we had 6 likes ... c'mon people go to the page and like it small so that our ego's will be fed small, if we are not making money at least people should like our work n'est pas? cool, this is the page:

Some exclusive images are on it so feel free to check them out!

Just so you know you can access our Facebook page from right inside the blog, just look to the panel on your right and feel free to press the LIKE button without even bothering to visit the page ... >>

How safe is your car? Not safe enough!

In fact i have finally realized that my old post on vehicle safety is a very good one. whist parked next to the gate at LEGON BOTANICAL GARDENS, my beloved pickup was broken into. Fortunately (thank God) nothing too expensive was left inside the car but the thieves still managed to make off with my cousins towel and a lil bit of this and than.

This post is just to brown the botanical gardens small :)

DON'T THINK THAT LEGON BOTANICAL GARDENS IS A SAFE PLACE TO PARK. It is not. In fact if my car could be broken into when it was 1 meter from the main entrance then the security there was either asleep, drunk or complicit.

Please make sure when you leave your car parked somewhere anything important is on your body and not in the car! Paranoia pays off once in a while!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Prices to make you JUMP!

Hi there everyone, we at VirtueReality:VirtuPix know we have dilly-dallied long enough about our prices when it comes to photography. And so therefore we are posting our prices now.

We have a very simple and easy pricing system that we have been using which we have not yet posted up:

GHC 100.00 an hour, flat, no gimmicks.

So basically, you get whatever images you need with a minimum billable time of 1 hour but without prints. All images will be delivered by electronic medium.

If you would like HARD copies (prints, paper pictures, blah blah blah) the following prices exist:

small prints: GHC 1.50
medium prints: GHC 2.50
large prints: GHC 5

We will be uploading the actual size-to-price ratios soon enough.

So basically that is it.

Monday, August 1, 2011

hello there people,

its been about 2-3 months since i ever did anything on my blog, increasingly i find that time has become a scarce commodity that is difficult to locate. and thus i have been brown and not updated my blog in some time. fortunately i have a few posts in the works that have not been finished yet.

i have a new project! a photo (video) tutorial soon to hit YouTube. it will be series of short tutorials on photography from a fellow enthusiasts (myself) hopefully with help from my guy KWAME POCHO.

well i had some free time this evening so i decided to give mr bones here a lil shoot to help feed his slim family. if you would like shot like these taken of you feel free to give me a shout.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bra Ghana Teaser Released!

Hi guys, this is the teaser for the upcoming Bra Ghana comic... hope you enjoy!

Accra by night

Hi peoples,

For you unbelievers, this is a picture of Accra at night. Or is it very early morning … ah well same difference. Sometimes when you see our beloved capital city in the middle of the night and it looks this beautiful you tend to forget that ECG has cut your power, the roads don’t have lights and the open gutters are waiting for your car, or that bola is strewn all over the place and hawkers try to shove their Asian wares into your car. you might even forget that when it rains, many roads become inaccessible or that ques are the order of the day from banks to waakye sellers. Well at least for a few minutes.

Anyhowly, I just wanted to share this picture with everyone.


WORK it out!

What come to mind when you hear the word “work”. Usually things like …”long hours”, “annoying superiors”, “low pay”, “I hate Mondays”, “oh how I wish it was Friday”, “I do all the work and everyone else just checks out Facebook”.  I know I have said some of these things now and then, but does work really have to be so annoying?

What happened to having a passion and following through with it to the bitter end? It seems sometimes we give up on our dreams because we are not making enough money from it and rather go to work at a bank (no offence to bankers … this is just an example) to make money instead and end up becoming unhappy with what we do. And since we spend a majority of our weekdays, and some of us our weekends as well, we end up being unhappy for a large percentage of our lives.

Now since we are the “cool” generation for the time being, (at least until the skinny-jean-wearing-mohawk-headed teenagers catch on to reality) I think we should not forget what makes us tick. If you are good at something develop it. It doesn’t mean you should turn all your hobbies into business ventures or you might just run out of lives like a cat at sea, but rather don’t let anything you are good at go to waste.

God blessed us with so many talents we just need to figure out what ours is. Excuse me, please remember that talents are not limited to singing, dancing, acting and playing instruments. A talent (according to some internet dictionary I googled up a few seconds ago) is a natural ABILITY or QUALITY and sometimes can be thought of as an unusual innate ability in some field or activity. So if you are an extremely talkative person, according to the definition you are a talented talker. Now there is no one who does not have a talent, to prove this many people are talented depressionists, all you need to do is sit down and ask yourself a few questions;

What do I like doing?
What do I do naturally when left alone?
What things do I do without putting in much effort (and succeed in of course)?

Ask yourself these things and a couple more that you can think up yourself and you will soon be able to realize what your natural qualities are. I hear knowing your temperament also helps with these things. Now when you finally figure out what some of your talents are (please figure them out before continuing reading this semi-informative and semi-ill-thought-through post). You can find ways of improving yourself in those areas. You never know, maybe a great business idea will pop up based on the strengthening of one of your talents and if you work on it and start making money, hey! Hakuna matata, you be working and loving it at the same time.

But back to my original train of though. I think we should all change our attitudes to work and stop thinking of it at a CHORE and more of a SERVICE, attitude is everything, if we all take our jobs seriously and have a great positive attitude towards work, life will become easier for all of us.

For example if all those NDC supporters who were cheering our Honorable President pick up a piece of paper went to work that day, I would not have had to sit in traffic for hours.

I have run out of things to write and its almost 2 am. Sianora.
Anyway, have a great time at work next week. Attack it with a smile!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Making a Contribution

Please I’m not talking about money. Money is something that is necessary but not extremely important. Money is a byproduct of working in whatever capacity, and therefore it immediately makes work more important than money, in my opinion.

When someone asks you to make a contribution what do you think about? Mother Theresa? Offertory at Church with the music group singing and praising the money out of your pocket? Let’s not go too far. The contribution I want to talk about is just being a good friend. This is not always easy; in fact sometimes it is so hard that it makes diamonds feel soft.

Now being a friend is more than just “hi what’s up”. In Ghana the term “friend” actually means “acquaintance” and sometimes even worse, we call people “friend” when we are annoyed …. “my friend, if you …..”.

Sometimes all we need is a kind word to make someone’s day brighter. Sometimes it’s just having the time to talk to someone for a few minutes FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON. For me it’s so cool when someone calls me just to say what’s up and to find out how I am doing. I get like 30+ calls a day, as do most of you. About 90% of people either wan’t something or are trying to find something out, nowadays when my phone rings the first thing that comes to my mind is, what does so-so-and-so want now.

Let’s just take a few minutes a day to be a cool friend. Choosing a picture for this post is gonna be hard o …

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Services Inbound ... Watch out Ghana, we are coming thru!

Hi peoples! VirtueReality started as an idea in a very furry head, it became a blog, and people started sharing our ideas with us, very soon the next stage in the evolution of VirtueReality is coming, BUSINESSIFICATION! Yes people, this year (action year) is the year that VirtueReality becomes a company. We will start rolling out our services soon, starting with ModART and Virtupix, whose pages will soon be updated on our site, i think you can see the headings.

ModART is essentially a drawing service, where portraits are converted into drawings and Virtupix is a brand new photography service which will be out-doored (hopefully) next month (not on the 1st though). Virtuepix plans on climbing up the ranks of Ghana's excellent photographic executioners to become one of the best (and affordable to). More info soon! The two services are being released together because they are Xtremely linked. Hope you like!

Oh yeah, and if you are wondering what are other services will be, feel free to look at the image eh!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Writers Block

I was listening to a song by Victizzle a British Gospel rapper. It’s called “Take you to the Future”. One of his first lines is “I don’t get writers block, ‘cause then I would write about writers block”. And it got me thinking, hey! I haven’t posted anything in ages. It’s been like 3 years since anything was put up and I think it’s time for me to break my silence and start a wild posting spree. I was thinking about writing something spectacular but then I was thinking too hard … so … let’s just chat.

There are a couple things on my mind today, first up is, “are Ghanaians workers efficient?” I mean if you take the average day at work, and I don’t have any evidence to back this. How much time does the average Ghanaian actually work? 1 hour, 2 hours maybe 3? I don’t know for sure but out of the 6 or 7 hours a day we are supposed to be working (lunch break not included) I have a faint feeling that we work (optimistically) 50% of the time. And when we are working, it’s sometimes suspect. I mean, I went to a DHL office and spent 10 minutes listening to the woman there talk to a friend on her cell phone just for her to finish and tell me that she can’t help me. I think I was pissed off but I cannot remember exactly.

So many companies these days are prohibiting their employee’s access to the internet, and those that do make sure to kill all links to …. FACEBOOK (and its friends Twitter, LinkedIn, hi5, etc.). The reason being, of course, is that Facebook gets more time than official work. This would be useful if every working Ghanaian didn’t have a phone that they can use to access Facebook. By the way someone should teach me how to use twitter …

I went to a particular ministry on 2 occasions (I won’t mention the one since this is embarrassing) in fact, now that I think of it I will, I went to the Register Generals office to pick up some documents at 2:30pm on a working day and was told that it was TOO LATE FOR THEM TO FIND THE DOCUMENTS and that I should come back in the morning. I asked them what time they close and was told between 4:30 and 5. Hmm makes you wonder how Ghana works if you can’t take 2 hours to find a document. ICT please come and rescue us. Anyway, enough about working. Its Friday! On to more interesting things.
No what interesting thing can I think of? Hmm…

Ooo yes I am introducing something cool to the general public and it’s called MODART. Actually it’s been around for a long time it’s just not been commercialized. You’ll hear more about it in the next post!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Credit where credit is Due!

Wow, i just saw these web pages by rinkworks and loved them, these posts are for men only, we need all the help we can get ... this is not my usual kind of post, as you can see it is finished ...

How safe is your car?

I know all the troskie people are probably saying in their heads, “waa look, e get car sef wey e dey wan’t complain”. It’s true, I mean, you hardly get caught by armed robbers when you have a car, you can get to places on time, use AC (if you are lucky), its far easier to catch a woman (if you are a guy) as well as intimidate walking men (ladies). I mean, having a car is good. Unless you remember Fifi’s 30% which is causing some of us to spend over GHS 400 a month on fuel … did you know that troskie people?

Just the other day I did a great service to myself, as well as the world at large, and locked my key in my car. In fact I felt very stupid since I had done this same thing less than a month prior to this momentous event. I stood by the roadside for a few minutes looking for people with similar cars to no avail. Fortunately I know an excellent metal worker whose office was just a 10 minute walk away. So I walked.

I met my friend and we both walked back to my car holding in total 3 items, a large screwdriver, a crowbar and a long, flat, curved piece of metal. Wanna know how many minutes it took to open my car? Not a moment over 2, yes not even 2 minutes. I stood there in horrific awe of my friend’s skills and vowed never to leave anything in my car again. EVER. At least not in a public place.

Now my car is not the newest of cars, nor does it have central locking, or an alarm system but people with cars that fit the “el-cheapo” segment are not the only ones in danger. If you have a “fresh” car, you may notice that the door automatically unlock when opened from the inside. Well tough luck, your screwed too. “But my alarm system works!” well I hear there are parts under the car that you can cut to disconnect the battery, no battery, no alarm, go fish.

So what do you do now? Is nothing secure enough? Well for all intents and purposes a cars security measures are designed to slow the thief down as much as possible but they are not fool proof. So we the human beings who own the cars have to wise up, and here are a few tricks.

The first one is not a trick. If you dont want someone to steal something from your car, don't leave it there. PERIOD.

1)      Make sure nothing is visible in the car: Don’t allow a thief to use your car for window shopping. If you have a boot use it, if there is a package then put it under your seat. One of the first things that attract thieves to a car is seeing an object in plain sight. So don’t forget to remove the face-plate from your stereo. Oh and please hide the things BEFORE stopping, if all the thieves are watching you stuff a million cedi’s into your boot when you park there’s not much use in that.

2)      Carefully choose where to park your car, for example if you are parking at the mall, go the extra distance and trouble and park in front of the banks, there are always a security guard there.

3)      Inscribe your VIN/chassis number everywhere on your car. You can use the VIN number to track down a car, it’s difficult in Ghana, but often times if you have hidden an inscription of your VIN number somewhere people don’t check (like the interior of the wheel arch) you might just be lucky and find your car (if the whole things was stolen and repainted)

4)      Make your car look secure, even if you don’t have an alarm, feel free to put a sticker in the window saying that it does, chale everything counts. Getting a steering lock is good. It makes your car virtually un-drivable without a heavy duty metal cutter, which most average Ghanaian thieves don’t have.

These are just a few things I was thinking about when I had to break into my own car. Let’s keep our pride and joy safe!

Monday, February 14, 2011

,The great debate: to VAL’S or not to VAL’S that is the question.

Good day readers, today we bring you a massively interesting debate on whether or not to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I know that many of you are reading on to justify receiving gifts (women) or to get out of buying them (men)! Other may stay tuned for a myriad of reasons but whatever the reason may be, you might just learn some interesting things.

We have three speakers on each side and will be starting with those “For” the motion! Just as a reminder this is Ghana and as such homosexual activities are prohibited by law and as such are BANNED from discussion in this debate. Also the Bible clearly informs us that homosexuality is unnatural and sinful, Romans 1:26-27, Leviticus 20:13, Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, I’m sure there are more but that is a talk for another day...

For speaker 1

Good day judges, ladies and gentlemen, I am here representing those who are for the motion that Ghanaians should celebrate Valentine’s Day. I honestly believe that we are the majority, and will now explain why.

One may ask, what is Valentine’s Day? Let me enlighten you. Valentine’s Day falls on the 14th of February and is a celebration of love and affection between couples. It was named after one or more Christian martyrs by the name of Valentine or Valentinus. The most interesting of which was a priest who ignored a marriage ban and wedded young couples, he was caught and executed and the couples he had wedded wrote him letters about their love and how it was better than war (which was going on at the time). Thus the celebration and the giving of cards started!

It has so many benefits, including, strengthening relationships between couples and acting as an avenue for expressing ones feelings. But one important thing is that Valentine’s Day allows people who are busy all the year through to set some time aside and spend it with the person they ‘love’.
The celebration of Valentine’s Day is a good thing and should be promoted.

Against speaker 1

My good friends and moderators, greetings. I am here to represent the majority of people who find that Valentine’s Day is just not necessary, even troublesome perhaps.

Just in case you do not know the first celebrations that take place on February the 14th were pagan in origin. There was the Roman pagan festival of Lupercalia which was associated with purification and fertility rituals. There was also another pagan festival of the Greeks, celebrating the marriage of Zeus and Hera. Yet another was based on the worship of the roman queen god Juno. Even Val’s days favorite mascot, Cupid, is a Greco-Roman god who also goes by the name “EROS” (sound familiar?). If you read Deuteronomy 12:29-31 you may find something very interesting about adopting or “overtaking” customs other people use to worship their foreign gods and not the true God of Heaven (whose kid is Jesus Christ).

Even from the so-called Christian background, a renegade priest marrying couples against the law? Was he the inspiration for Las Vegas? The Church does not even recognize Valentine's Day as a Church holiday anymore.

Let’s move from its origin to its practice. Valentine’s Day is miserable for single people. If you are not involved in a romantic relationship during that season, contemporary Ghanaian society makes you feel ‘unlucky’. Even the term ‘gnashing’ when one does not receive a gift on Val’s Day is derogatory. What good is a public celebration if it causes others to feel left out?

It is a hard day for poor Ghanaian men who are pressured to perform, and/or to give gifts. Already Atta’s 30% is still hurting us, and now we must buy girls gifts? Chale!

Also for those in “complex” relationships (i.e. more than one), Val’s day can be the day that finished them off completely. How can one man juggle 3-12 girls if they all want attention on the same day? It is virtually impossible and only the best of “bad” men will escape with their lives. We should consider them small. They are human too.

Then there is the generation of massive post-valentine’s day waste. The day itself is wasteful enough, all the diabetes-inducing chocolates, drinks, paper greeting cards, most of which are discarded within the week. Hmmm.

For Speaker 2: Rebuttals

Judges, audience; I think the “against” speaker is vehement because he does not want to spend his meager salary on women. Please my friend; let us not be so cheap!

First of all the day of February 14th was chosen to overcome those so called pagan rituals and not because that was its origin. The early Christians made it a celebration of romantic love instead of eroticism and sexuality. So your argument holds no water, or chocolate for the matter... In fact it is so porous one might think that it was a sieve.

Valentine’s Day’s love is not limited to romantic love, it is about the expression of true love, which the bible graciously defines for us in 1 Corinthians 4-8a. Who would not want to celebrate such a wonderful thing?
Now, no one forces men to do anything. Is anyone holding a gun to a man’s head, making him buy jewelry, candies, clothes, cars… ahem, or anything else for the lady he likes? The answer is NO! Valentine ’s Day is a day for expressing feelings, if you have none, then no need for expression! After all is the ONLY way to express ones feelings through gifts and money spending? Of course not, our venerable Ghanaian ladies are more caring and considerate than that!

People who are in "complex" relationships are not in the right so any exposure would be good. In fact if that was the only factor in this celebration it should be celebrated 12 times a year!

Just because other holidays are wasteful does not mean that the fact that Valentine ’s Day MIGHT be wasteful is not an argument worth considering, the same level of “commercialization” is done during Christmas, so please, some things are from the exuberance of business men and cannot be avoided.

Against Speaker 2: Rebuttals

Greetings Judges, fellow contestants and the general public; my opponents saying that Valentine’s Day is about true love might be true but the only publicized part of Valentine’s Day is for romantic relationships between men and women. That is the case. Need I continue?

And on behalf of men, there is MASSIVE emotional pressure by women to receive something on Valentine’s Day. In fact, even if they do not say a word, they may be intimidated by all their friends who have received “showers of blessings” and then look at their “chisel” man in a new light.

Val’s day is one sided. In many cases it is just about men doing something for women and hardly ever vice-versa, at least the women should participate small.

For Speaker 3: Closing Remarks

My good friends, let us do what is right and pure and consider Valentine’s Day for what it is, a day from expressing true and unfiltered “authentic” love to all. May you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and may love be with you.

Do not be poisoned by those who are against Val’s, they are boring and dry and broke to boot!
My love goes out to all of you. Thank you

Against Speaker 3: Closing Remarks

I feel that the “for” speakers closing remarks are very insulting. The only reason why he is talking like that is because he is too black to have a girl and as such is free to do what he pleases today!

Let us consider the dubious roots of Valentine’s Day and how it has been reduced to a glorified erotic holiday. Let us boycott the celebration of this unnecessary time and money waster and focus on more important things. Like world peace. Thank you.

Anyhow, this is just a small debate to get people’s minds working. As for me “NO COMMENT”.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Airtel, please we are Ghanaians!

Hi peoples, honestly speaking I think the mobile telephone industry still has much to offer us loyal subscribers … which they haven’t given us yet. Don’t get me wrong! Things have come a LONG, LONG way, I remember in 2004 when TiGO was Buzz and I bought my chip for over GHS 17.00 (equivalent), the calls were billed per minute, not per second and the call chargers were a whopping GP 25 a minute. That really sucked.

Now with the advent of per second billing and the tariffs for some networks being a steady GP 8 things are looking up. But what about internet? Honestly even though MTN is the Most-Terrible-Network, they have the best pay as you go mobile internet package in Ghana at the moment (at least I think so) charging a measly GP 3 per megabyte as against Airtel’s GP 20. But on the modem scene for computers, the new kids on the block, Expresso, have the best 1 gigabyte package, coming in at GHS 15.00 a month as compared to MTN’s GHS 25.00 and Airtel’s GHS 30.00.

What’s the best network for callers? I think Airtel. Their calls are always GP 8 per minute, rain or shine, on network or off, and without any form of registration (bite that Voda), unlike MTN, whose zone keeps giving me GP 10 all day, I mean it’s cheaper to use Airtel to call MTN in the daytime, and that really sucks for MTN, unless you get that elusive MTN zone of GP 3. On the flipside Vodaphone’s habit of giving you 25%, 50% and 75% bonuses when you recharge is really cool. Ah well you can’t eat your cake and have it … at least that’s what the books say.

Well I’m just talking plenty but what I really wanted to talk about is the picture in the post. It’s from Airtel’s new promotion that they keep sending me 10 texts a day about. Now the real question is …


Are you kidding me? Is there no juju in India?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

the SHOEmaker continued ...

“Hey boss, wey thing dey your bag inside?”

KD turned sharply, his sleepy eyes gazing at the voice that just spoke. The man was rough looking, and brandishing a long gleaming cutlass. It was 11:45 pm, KD was walking on a lonely footpath in Dansoman, there was nowhere to run and no one walking around. Things didn’t look too good.

“Why … you fit hear? I say wey thing dey your bag inside!” the man said huskily.

The man stepped forwards aggressively, shifting the cutlass from his left to his right hand. KD looked at him carefully and then spoke, his voice laden with irritation.

“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for one of you guys? It’s been hours, a small test that I want to conduct and this is what I get? I thought you armed robbers were a little more punctual with your robberies”

The man stopped and looked KD up and down. What kind of nonsense was this? He had seen fear; he had seen anger but this? In fact it had been a long time since his cutlass has spoken with someone’s bones but this idiot was asking for it. I mean, the impudence of someone getting robbed! He grunted and charged at KD.

Almost immediately he stopped short. There was something metallic hovering right in front of his face; it looked strangely like the ‘under’ of a coal pot.

“Thrusters 35% output”, KD’s voice was hushed and quick.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Ring! Ring!

I looked at the time, 6:15 am. Ah this foolish phone again, its only breakfast time and someone is calling me, they won’t even let me get to the station before disturbing my life. I picked up the phone and answered it with an annoyed, “Hello, Inspector Bediako here, what do you want?”

“Hello Inspector sir”, the voice on the line called out, “we have come across a charred body on one of the back roads near Dansoman roundabout O! We need you to come right now to help sort things out”

I grunted a muffled ‘yes’ and cut the line, this was the third one this month, can’t people just sleep at night?