Friday, September 9, 2011

How safe is your car? Not safe enough!

In fact i have finally realized that my old post on vehicle safety is a very good one. whist parked next to the gate at LEGON BOTANICAL GARDENS, my beloved pickup was broken into. Fortunately (thank God) nothing too expensive was left inside the car but the thieves still managed to make off with my cousins towel and a lil bit of this and than.

This post is just to brown the botanical gardens small :)

DON'T THINK THAT LEGON BOTANICAL GARDENS IS A SAFE PLACE TO PARK. It is not. In fact if my car could be broken into when it was 1 meter from the main entrance then the security there was either asleep, drunk or complicit.

Please make sure when you leave your car parked somewhere anything important is on your body and not in the car! Paranoia pays off once in a while!


  1. Do they even have a security personnel @ post?

  2. oh yawa oo...but honestly the security there is whack mehn!!
