Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pursuing your Vision 2: From Dreams to the Drawing Board

In my last post I talked about having your own personal vision. And we mentioned dividing it into two, the vision of “being” and the vision of “doing”. If you had any difficulty in putting down your vision as I had the first time I tried it, look at it from this angle. If you died (not that I want that to happen any time soon) what would you want people to say about how you were, or your character. Essentially that would encompass your “being” vision. The “doing” part is easy, what do you want to accomplish.

Now we want to take it a step further. You can equate your vision to a dream, now we need to get it closer to a reality, and that is by setting long term objectives. Long term objectives are quite similar to your vision but much more specific. Let your long term objectives be grand but achievable.

The achievability of any objective lies mainly on how one plans towards it. So if you want to be earning over GHS 1,200,000 a year (GHS 100,000 a month) by the time you are 50 years old, know that it is unlikely that you can achieve that by working for someone else, ergo you need to have your own business (and a very successful one at that). That’s just an example. So set your objectives to align themselves to your vision, and make sure they are quantifiable.

Remember to be S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound) when setting objectives, and make sure that there is a plan associated with each objective outlining how it will be achieved.

The next post will focus on how to take your long term objectives and break them down into “epochal objectives” or objectives that are designed for each stage of your life.

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